Molly Ashton
Molly is an enthusiastic advocate for home education with a passion to encourage others on this journey. She and her husband have four children, two by birth and two by adoption. Through both professional and personal experience, she has insight into the challenges of parenting children with additional needs. She co-hosts Mended Teacups a UK home-education podcast, blogs at Mothering Through the Seasons and has authored The Kite’s Tale - A Story of Adoption. She is rooted in the beauty and rhythms of the countryside in which she and her family live in their ongoing quest towards self-sufficiency.
Charles and Ruth Barber
Charles and Ruth live in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Charles studied Organic Chemistry at Cambridge, has been a Christian minister and more recently worked as a trainer in adult social care. He continues to help lead and teach at Cedar Tree Church. Ruth has a background in banking and worked at Christians Against Poverty as a debt counsellor. She is now the administrator for CHESS, the Christian Home Education Support Service, recently helping to organise a national online conference for home educators. They have seven children: six boys and a girl, who have all been home educated. The oldest three are now at university and the youngest is 13.
Afia Bayayi
Afia is a British Ghanaian mother of three, based in London, England. Her children have always been home educated. She left an eight-year teaching profession to home educate them and launched her business in events to facilitate this dream and passion. In running her company, Afia is able to work around her home and children whilst using it as a basis to teach them about entrepreneurship, business principles and work ethic.
Afia draws on various curriculum approaches to serve her children's education. Faith, Culture and Music are key features of her home education values and priorities. Afia also supports her husband in his role as a pastor. They have been married since 2005. As a family they are fondly known as Team Bayayi and with this they use their YouTube and Instagram platforms to support other Home Educating families.
Helen Brunning
Helen has been home educating since 2001 - although the original intention was just to cover the early years and send them to school when they were seven! She grew up in Berkshire then moved to Bristol to study mathematics and philosophy at University. While there, she met and married her husband and they still live in North Bristol with their three children and two dogs.
Juliet English
Juliet is an experienced home educator who is passionate about encouraging and empowering parents to educate their children with boldness and freedom. She has been married to Larry for 34 years. She is engaged in a number of initiatives which benefit home educators in the UK, drawing on her personal experience of educating her own seven children, running groups, activities and conferences, as well as her background in social work. She is a director at Streams, founder and co-ordinator of the Learn Free Conference, and actively works with others to protect the rights of parents in the UK to educate their own children. Juliet’s idea of fun is creating, crafting and singing with her barbershop chorus.
Jessica Girard
Jessica is the voice behind The Open Home, an Instagram account about home education and family life on the small island of Guernsey. As a part time student herself she is passionate about life-long learning and revels in the joy of learning alongside her children and reading all the wonderful children’s books she missed out on as a child. With a background in social work and a heart for foster care, Jessica is passionate about protecting childhood and creating a nurturing home life for the children entrusted to her care. She is married to her childhood sweetheart, David, and together they have three young children, two girls and a boy.
Randall and Mary Hardy
Randall and Mary began their married life in Manchester, and have lived in Shropshire since 2007. They have six adult children, plus grandchildren at every age and stage. Their first encounter with alternative education was through a small Christian school which operated as a parents’ cooperative. Their older children’s education took place in this context until they moved on to sixth form college. It was through the school that Randall and Mary heard about home education, which was the route they chose for their younger children, often working in partnership with other Christian families. They maintain an ongoing interest in home education, having witnessed its benefits for various members of their own family. Some of Randall’s material may be found on his blog, No Nationalisation of our Kids.
Matt Harris
Matt is a former youth worker who, in 2018, became a stay-at-home, home-educating dad to his two daughters whilst his wife, Nicola, studied at Trinity College, Bristol. Matt’s passion is to see people live to their full potential and ‘be all they can be’. His strengths are his adaptability, empathy, positivity, love of learning and ability to help people develop. When Matt isn’t home-educating, you’ll find him trying to keep fit, cooking, listening to a podcast, or working out how to get Wilson and Robin, the family dogs, to behave.
Anne Laure Jackson
Anne Laure is a home-educating mum of twenty years, whose husband has MS and a visual impairment. As an occupational therapist with post-graduate qualifications in sensory integration, she founded and runs an international business/ministry through which she helps those with OT and sensory issues within their families. She has a passion for helping those with differences or difficulties thrive in everyday life, especially in home education, and her wisdom and compassion have made a huge difference in many families with additional challenges.
Siân Lowe
Siân is a former secondary schoolteacher who is now in her third year home-educating her three daughters. Moving her children from mainstream education to home education has been life-changing, life-enhancing and quite possibly the bravest thing she has ever done! Her desire is to empower and encourage those who wish to explore home education for themselves. Siân gets very excited about all that she is learning along with her daughters, and when she isn’t furthering her own education, she enjoys nothing more than sitting in a café with a good friend. Along with three other home-educating friends, she is a director for Streams, a website dedicated to encouraging, equipping and connecting home educators across the nation.
Kirsteen McLeod
Kirsteen is an experienced home educator of over 15 years. She has raised her three children as a lone parent. Two of her children have an Autism diagnosis with associated learning challenges. She lives in rural Perthshire with her emerging young adults and the family dog. When not home-educating, Kirsteen works for Scripture Union Scotland and also helps out at her local food bank. She is passionate about grace, compassion, social justice and Autism awareness. She also likes coffee shops and art.
Philippa Nicholson
Philippa is a second-generation home educator. The eldest of nine siblings, she enjoyed being home-educated so much that it seemed completely natural for her and her husband, Andy, to choose this route of education for their own children. They are blessed with two girls and two boys. Philippa spends the majority of her days facilitating the education of the children. She is also involved with her local Christian home education group, volunteers on the Mothers At Home Matter committee and spends any leftover time reading as many books as possible.
Kat Patrick
A native of Texas, Kat studied, taught, and home educated in Oxfordshire for twenty-five years. She has home-educated her four children for almost two decades now, two of whom are at university and two in secondary. Because she grew up and studied in the US before living most of her adult life in Oxfordshire as a teacher and UK examiner, she has always been passionate about underpinning a child’s studies with a broad, liberal arts education. She speaks on this topic on numerous podcasts and at conferences and runs Dreaming Spires Home Learning.
Catherine Shelton
Catherine is a proud mum of four amazing children and has been home-educating for over eleven years. As a wife of a talented linguist, she and her family lived for many years in a remote village in southern Russia, which is where they stumbled across the joys of home education. When they returned to the UK, they decided to continue home educating because of its many benefits. Catherine is also a Faith-based, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a member of the UK Health Coaches Association. She’s passionate about helping busy Christian women suffering with stress and fatigue to regain their energy, balance and joy so that they can show up as their best selves and flourish in a life they love once more.
Alberta Stevens
Alberta Stevens is a British, single home-educating parent of Sierra Leonean heritage. She combines home educating her two boys with writing, speaking, podcasting and coaching other home educating parents at Homegrown Sonshine. Alberta specialises in creating wholesome and culturally diverse learning resources aimed at equipping home educators to craft their unique home learning journeys with confidence and ease. Prior to becoming a home educator, Alberta juggled motherhood with helping corporate businesses create social value and impact by partnering with local charities. Before this, she held an 18-year career designing and leading informal learning and leadership programmes in the Middle East and the UK. Fuelled by her current studies in theology and her ongoing interest in spiritual formation and the slow rhythms of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, Alberta is devoted to helping home ed parents grow by cultivating rich spiritual and inner lives which she believes inevitably overflows into every facet of theirs and their children’s lives.